Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wow, it's been a while...

....and a lot has happened since my last post which was nearly a year ago. For starters, I'm TWO years old now which means I am totally a big girl. Actually, I'm almost two and a HALF. That means I'm not a baby anymore. I'm not even a toddler. I'm considered a preschooler and with this comes big responsibility.

For example, I can put on my own shoes, even if Mom or Dad has to help me tie them. I can put on all my own clothes, including my big-girl PANTIES which I wear because I can now pee in the potty! I'm still "training" but I've pretty much got it down. I've got lots of stickers on my reward chart and I've even gotten a few special rewards for meeting my goals.

I talk a whole lot now. I use all sorts of words on my own and can have a conversation with somebody. I use full sentences and Mommy thinks I use better English than many people she has spoken to. I sing lots of songs and love to dance. I learn new songs all the time a school. That's what I call my daycare that I go to while Mommy is at work, because it's not just a babysitter but I learn a whole lot and have a curriculum and everything... So it's more like school! And I love it! Dad says just wait till I get homework then mate I won't like it as much... Whatever that is.

These are all really big things that have happened since m last post, but the biggest thing yet is that... I am now a BIG SISTER! Four weeks ago Mommy gave me a little sister named Vera. I love her so much. I always want to hold her and kiss her, and I try to help out whenever she is crying or fussy. I rock her rocker and tell her, "Shh, it's okay Vera. It's okay." Mom and Dad think I am a great big sister, and that's because I am!