Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wow, it's been a while...

....and a lot has happened since my last post which was nearly a year ago. For starters, I'm TWO years old now which means I am totally a big girl. Actually, I'm almost two and a HALF. That means I'm not a baby anymore. I'm not even a toddler. I'm considered a preschooler and with this comes big responsibility.

For example, I can put on my own shoes, even if Mom or Dad has to help me tie them. I can put on all my own clothes, including my big-girl PANTIES which I wear because I can now pee in the potty! I'm still "training" but I've pretty much got it down. I've got lots of stickers on my reward chart and I've even gotten a few special rewards for meeting my goals.

I talk a whole lot now. I use all sorts of words on my own and can have a conversation with somebody. I use full sentences and Mommy thinks I use better English than many people she has spoken to. I sing lots of songs and love to dance. I learn new songs all the time a school. That's what I call my daycare that I go to while Mommy is at work, because it's not just a babysitter but I learn a whole lot and have a curriculum and everything... So it's more like school! And I love it! Dad says just wait till I get homework then mate I won't like it as much... Whatever that is.

These are all really big things that have happened since m last post, but the biggest thing yet is that... I am now a BIG SISTER! Four weeks ago Mommy gave me a little sister named Vera. I love her so much. I always want to hold her and kiss her, and I try to help out whenever she is crying or fussy. I rock her rocker and tell her, "Shh, it's okay Vera. It's okay." Mom and Dad think I am a great big sister, and that's because I am!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The star of the show

Today Mommy took me to her Digital Photography class at the library.  I was very good as usual, and sat quietly in my stroller through the whole class presentation (except when they put a picture of a doggie on the screen, and I quacked at it (I got confused)).  

After the class Mommy was showing my baby book scrapbook to a friend of hers in the class and everyone was looking at it talking about how cute I am.  What can I say, they have good taste...  

Since I was being such a good girl and the class was over, Mommy let me out of my stroller to run around some while she and the other ladies looked at my pretty pictures.  I love to be the star of the show so I started running around the room, smiling at everyone and talking and laughing and making funny faces.  All the people in the room kept saying how cute and funny I am!  And that made me happy so I smiled and laughed more.  I like to make people happy.  

It felt good to run around the big room and not have any baby gates or puppy dogs in my way.  I love my puppy dog Cinderella, but she gets in my way sometimes and makes me fall down.  Or licks my face!  

After the people were done looking at my scrapbook and talking about me, Mommy took me into the Children's room to get some more story books.  Mommy always picks out good books to read to me, so I let her take care of that while I played with the train set in the play area.  It was lots of fun so I was upset when Mommy said it was time to go.  

But then we went grocery shopping where I am always the star of the show so I was happy again.  I actually was so worn out from playing at the library that I fell asleep in the cart!  So I missed the first part of the shopping trip but after that I made up for lost time by smiling and talking to people more than usual.  I made some funny faces to some people and made them laugh.  

When we got home I helped Mommy put away groceries by stealing the cans of Pam and playing with them in the laundry room.  I am a good helper. 

Sleeping like a baby

Hurricane Irene will be spinning by Florida tomorrow so there was lots of thunder last night.  I was really good and slept right through it, but Mommy woke up and couldn't go back to sleep for two and a half hours.  She said it's better her than me.  I guess she is right because this morning I woke up from my long night's sleep and I feel great playing with my blocks on the floor while Mommy looks like a zombie on the couch while she types this for me. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Oversleeping? No such thing.

Last night I went to bed at my usual time and followed my usual routine.  Bath, PJs, storytime, rocking chair with lights out and music, and bed.  I was out by 9pm.  I was really tired though, so the next morning instead of waking up at my usual 7-9am, I gave Mommy and me both a treat and slept until 11am.  Actually, I would have slept longer but Mommy woke me up.  I was not happy!  But she woke me up so we could meet Daddy for lunch so that wasn't so bad.  Actually after that I was in a terrific mood and was feeling great and well-rested. 

Anyway, we had a picnic lunch with Daddy at the park, did some shopping, then came home.  I didn't think I would want a nap after my long 14-hour sleep the night before, but I was still tired!  So I took a nap...  a 3-hour nap!  And man, did it feel good.  When I woke up Daddy came home just a minute later, then we had dinner.  Talk about service!  Dad and dinner served up exactly when I want them.  

All the grown-ups were wondering why I slept so much...  well, here's the real reason.  I've been so worked up over the teeth growing in (they hurt!) and this little diaper rash I've had, that I just needed to recoup.  

Tonight I stayed up a little later than usual because of all my sleeping today and last night, but I'm still making it to bed at a reasonable hour.  

PS:  I did sleep all the way through the night that night, my usual amount. I am a good little girl.  Most of the time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's about time...

It's been a while since Mom has posted anything on here about me.  I've been doing all sorts of cool things and she hasn't posted any of them since last November!  Fortunately, she posts almost everything on Facebook so if you're on there you have been seeing most of my milestones and funny moments.  I promise I'll bug her more about posting to my blog for me. 

Right now, I'm climbing through the coffee table, watching Dora the Explorer, and talking to Mom telling her what to type.  I am having lots of fun with my new found mobility.  I am able to walk and almost run, and chase Cinderella the puppy dog all over the house.  I can tell you what the puppy says (ruff ruff), what the duckie says (quack quack), and I'm working on mooing like a cow.  I can say shoes and tell the puppy to "sit."  I also repeat a lot of words Mom and Dad say, even though I don't remember them later.

I now have 12 (twelve!) teeth in my mouth which have given me immense pain and have given Mom and Dad much frustration.  I have to say though that I've been pretty chill about it all.  I only whine a little bit and I stop if someone gives me a frozen teething ring or an ice cube to chew on.  I still fall asleep easily at night sleep through the entire night, which Mommy says she really appreciates.  I'm only napping once a day (sometimes none, teehee!) but I usually nap for a couple of hours at least so Mommy gets a good block of time to work on her computer stuff or make bows and scrapbook pages.

I'm not fat anymore!  (But I'm still phat) :D  Dr. Wright told Mom and Dad that I've gone from the 100th percentile to the 5th percentile...  whatever that is.  I have been walking ALL over the place, at home, at restaurants, at the park, everywhere!  So that gives me exercise.  I LOVE food and eat almost everything because I am a pig like Mommy, but when my teeth grow in I don't like to chew too much so sometimes I don't eat a lot.  I think that and walking makes me skinny.  But I am still healthy and that's all that matters! 

Well, a new episode of Dora the Explorer is starting so I have to go!  Adios!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Play Day with Mom and Dad

Today I went out with Mom and Dad for a play day!  First we went to Melbourne Beach / Indialantic and played on the playground.  I had so much fun!  

First, I got to swing all by myself - nobody holding me this time!  Daddy pushed me since my legs aren't long enough yet.  He pushed me really high but I was only scared for one tiny second because I'm a big girl!

Then Mommy took me down the slide.  She had a little trouble getting up there because she's a grown up, but we made it.  This slide was a lot bigger than the last one I went down, so it was kind of scary at first.  But I had fun! 

The last thing we did at the playground was play on the drums.  I thought it was really neat how Daddy made music on the drums but I couldn't quite get the hang of it.  I think next time I go I will be ready to make music like Daddy! 

Once we were done on the playground, I got in my stroller and Mom and Dad walked up and down the boardwalk with me.  I liked going over the bumpy-bumpy-bumps of each board and watching the waves hit the sand.  It was a chilly and very windy day so the waves were big!  

After the boardwalk we tried to go to the library but they were closed so we headed to Downtown Melbourne for dinner.  I needed a diaper change ("Poops I did it again") so we stopped right after the bridge from the beach...  and we saw dolphins swimming in the river!  We all went out to the end of the pier (Mommy was brave) to watch them play.  

After watching the dolphins play, we finally made it down to Downtown.  Mom and Dad had some yummy looking burgers but they only let me have milk.  No fair!  I can't wait until I can eat french fries.  I tried to sneak some fries but Mommy caught me and told me no.  :(  

It's ok though.  I had a very fun day with Mom and Dad.  We got out of the house and I had all their attention which I love.  Mom says I'm an attention hog like her and Dad.  I can't help it that I am so cute and love to entertain people!  

If you want to see more pictures from my play day with Mom and Dad, you can see them here.