Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's about time...

It's been a while since Mom has posted anything on here about me.  I've been doing all sorts of cool things and she hasn't posted any of them since last November!  Fortunately, she posts almost everything on Facebook so if you're on there you have been seeing most of my milestones and funny moments.  I promise I'll bug her more about posting to my blog for me. 

Right now, I'm climbing through the coffee table, watching Dora the Explorer, and talking to Mom telling her what to type.  I am having lots of fun with my new found mobility.  I am able to walk and almost run, and chase Cinderella the puppy dog all over the house.  I can tell you what the puppy says (ruff ruff), what the duckie says (quack quack), and I'm working on mooing like a cow.  I can say shoes and tell the puppy to "sit."  I also repeat a lot of words Mom and Dad say, even though I don't remember them later.

I now have 12 (twelve!) teeth in my mouth which have given me immense pain and have given Mom and Dad much frustration.  I have to say though that I've been pretty chill about it all.  I only whine a little bit and I stop if someone gives me a frozen teething ring or an ice cube to chew on.  I still fall asleep easily at night sleep through the entire night, which Mommy says she really appreciates.  I'm only napping once a day (sometimes none, teehee!) but I usually nap for a couple of hours at least so Mommy gets a good block of time to work on her computer stuff or make bows and scrapbook pages.

I'm not fat anymore!  (But I'm still phat) :D  Dr. Wright told Mom and Dad that I've gone from the 100th percentile to the 5th percentile...  whatever that is.  I have been walking ALL over the place, at home, at restaurants, at the park, everywhere!  So that gives me exercise.  I LOVE food and eat almost everything because I am a pig like Mommy, but when my teeth grow in I don't like to chew too much so sometimes I don't eat a lot.  I think that and walking makes me skinny.  But I am still healthy and that's all that matters! 

Well, a new episode of Dora the Explorer is starting so I have to go!  Adios!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bella: This is GamGam in Texas. I love you so much and Grandpa & I are so proud of you and everything you are learning to do. You are growing up so fast and you are such a beautiful little girl. You have a great mommie and Daddy who love you so much, and Cinderella is the most wonderful doggie for you to play with. We love you very much honey. Love Grandpa & GamGam Khalid
