Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The star of the show

Today Mommy took me to her Digital Photography class at the library.  I was very good as usual, and sat quietly in my stroller through the whole class presentation (except when they put a picture of a doggie on the screen, and I quacked at it (I got confused)).  

After the class Mommy was showing my baby book scrapbook to a friend of hers in the class and everyone was looking at it talking about how cute I am.  What can I say, they have good taste...  

Since I was being such a good girl and the class was over, Mommy let me out of my stroller to run around some while she and the other ladies looked at my pretty pictures.  I love to be the star of the show so I started running around the room, smiling at everyone and talking and laughing and making funny faces.  All the people in the room kept saying how cute and funny I am!  And that made me happy so I smiled and laughed more.  I like to make people happy.  

It felt good to run around the big room and not have any baby gates or puppy dogs in my way.  I love my puppy dog Cinderella, but she gets in my way sometimes and makes me fall down.  Or licks my face!  

After the people were done looking at my scrapbook and talking about me, Mommy took me into the Children's room to get some more story books.  Mommy always picks out good books to read to me, so I let her take care of that while I played with the train set in the play area.  It was lots of fun so I was upset when Mommy said it was time to go.  

But then we went grocery shopping where I am always the star of the show so I was happy again.  I actually was so worn out from playing at the library that I fell asleep in the cart!  So I missed the first part of the shopping trip but after that I made up for lost time by smiling and talking to people more than usual.  I made some funny faces to some people and made them laugh.  

When we got home I helped Mommy put away groceries by stealing the cans of Pam and playing with them in the laundry room.  I am a good helper. 

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